Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Production Of Oil Production - 910 Words

Cover page Name: Abdullah Althawwad. Topic: oil production. Specific purpose: I want my audience to understand the process of the oil production from the extraction from the field to the oil refinery. Main idea: in this speech, I will discuss the oil production stages from locating the field, to the extraction, and refinery. Type: scientific technical presentation. What I see from my audience that they do not have the enough knowledge about the oil production and what is the process that the oil went through until consumption. I explained to my audience the process of the production line and I have divided the issue into three main stages. I have supported my presentation with examples and visual aids to help my audience understand.†¦show more content†¦B. Second I will explain the extraction of the oil from the ground. C. Finally, I will explain the oil refinery operations and processes, the how the oil becomes raw martials. (Trans: I will now discuses the field locating and the drilling). BODY I. In the first part, I will describe the two main parts of the first stage which is, locating the oil field and the drilling operations. A. The geologists start with using seismic survey in the expected areas whether on the water surface or on the ground to find the right geological structures that may contain oil. 1. The geologists are using different methods to create shock waves, which are travels through the rock layers and reflects back to the surface by using different methods based on the geological conditions. a. They are using the compressed air gun method (over the water). b. And they also use the thumper truck method (over land). B. Once the oil is located, the area now is called an oil field and it must be cleared and prepared for the drilling operations. 1. Now for drilling, the petroleum engineers are responsible to mange the drilling process. a. The crew creates a large wide dig to prepare the place to install the huge oil rig. c. Once the dig is ready for the oil rig, the crew set up the oil rig and starts digging a deep vertical hole to reach the oil reserve. d. Once the pre set depth is reached, the hole has been created and its ready to place a casing pipe to protect the

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